Because your business deserves more than stiff, stuffy, soulless copy that doesn’t speak to you.

Or your audience.

Once upon a time, I was a private writing tutor working in academia (back when I was a walking, talking, English major stereotype…nonstop existential crises and multiple, semi-pretentious second-hand novels in my bag and all.

For a while, it worked out.

Until I got sick of the dry.




Woefully un-human approach to writing.

If you’re reading this page, perhaps you can relate.

Hopefully not to the nonstop existential crises (though you’ll be in good company if so)! 

But the desire to turn my back on dry.stuffy.soulless writing. A desire you may also have, especially when it comes to writing for your business.  

Because if you’re a business owner with a value-packed offer and compelling message to share? 

Then you deserve copy that nails down the true value of your business, captures your real personality and voice, and connects with your audience like the humans they are. 

And your audience deserves better than stiff, boring, English-major-esque copy that they have to pull out a dictionary to understand. 

From stiff, boring academic writing…

…to simple, strategic, human copy that nails down your voice, captures your business’s value & connects with your people.

(Warning: #humblebrag coming your way)

Since moving on from my early days in academia, most of what I’ve done in life until now has involved deepening my understanding of two core features of life: Language. And humans. 

From living in some 6 countries around the world…

Getting frighteningly lost while visiting some 80 others…

Making embarrassing mistakes in trying to speak somewhere between 3 ½ to 5 languages depending on the day (and on how much coffee I’ve had)…

Becoming a certified Teaching English as a Second Language instructor…

To going wayyy down the rabbit hole to learn how to make writing human-sounding, non-salesy sales copy my profession (including hours upon hours spent in training, courses, professional mentorship, and more)… 

Whether I was navigating cultural differences, talking my way around a word I didn’t know in a foreign language, or exploring the best ways to connect with my students despite an unshared mother tongue, here’s what I learned:

You’ve got to keep it simple. And you’ve got to keep it human.

(All those messy, chaotic, vulnerable bits welcome.)

The very same rings true for your copy and messaging.

 Not just for more conversions. And not just for more sales. (Though you’ll probably get those, too.)

 But out of empathy and — dare I say — respect for your readers.

 Because hey, your readers are humans. And they deserve to read copy that talks to them like they are.

 (No false urgency, fictitious scarcity, bad-car-salesman-y promises, or excessive red exclamation points needed.)   

And that’s what I’m here to help you with — by strategizing on your messaging and writing you some powerful, non-salesy sales copy that connects and converts via my 3-Step Human-First Messaging Approach.

Get all the deets on this process (+ see how we can work together) here*

Or check out some testimonials from the real-live humans I’ve worked with to see the results of the process in action

*Hint: this process includes in-depth work to nail down your voice, client interviews to capture your audience’s actual language, the potential for free coffee, and more!

Meet Nicole

Your “copywriting that converts” & “messaging that connects” extraordinaire



I’m originally from frigid almost-Canada (AKA Minnesota), kinda sorta live in Boise, Idaho now (hello mouuuuntains!), but am likely somewhere else on the globe when you’re reading this


I’m a certified Teaching English as a Second Language Instructor who speaks 5 (ish) languages. And has taught in Peru, Spain, South Korea, Sweden & the U.S.


In another life, I probably would have become a professional linguist (and not just the wannabe one I am today)


The weird fun fact that always lets me win “two truths and a lie”: I once got 3rd place in a race in North Korea (yes, that Korea)



Not that anyone ever asks (literally, no one ever asks), but I do have a Bachelor’s degree in English literature** and a minor in Spanish language


Throughout my years of writing copy, I’ve had the pleasure of writing just about every type of copy for just about every type of industry (though these days, website copy, story-based case studies, and Brand Messaging Strategy Guides for entrepreneurs are really my bread n’ butter)


I first honed my copywriting skills at a growth agency, where I was responsible for writing strategic, human-sounding copy for successful 6-number and 7-figure entrepreneurs. Today, I work primarily with personal clients, and take on a select few each month (apply here if you want to be one of ‘em!).


If you do fill out an application to work with me, I will likely go way, way down the rabbit hole to get all the deets on you and your brand (and since fair is fair, here is my LinkedIn profile and my media page so you can do some rabbit hole’ing of your own)

**Though I’m the first to make fun of English majors when given the chance (see semi-sarcastic rant at the beginning of the page), I can’t say that getting a degree in English was aaall bad.

If you can ignore the fact that I boldly wrote my senior thesis on the reliance on “othering” in detective fiction, I can confidently say the degree DID give me a deep appreciation for the power of words and a knack for laying out a persuasive argument, both of which are pretty dang important in my work: strategizing on messaging and writing copy. That thesis did, after all, convince my professor and get me an A…though it’ll likely never see the light of day again.

Could your website copy use a conversion & connection boost?